
Copy of Memberships



Become a part of The Institute today!


"We are so glad you are here! The reason ITH started a membership option was based on the founder’s passion that everyone should have access to tools, training, and resources to support the amazing work they do to transform the lives of their customers, patients, and communities. This membership allows everyone in the healthcare space from front line caregivers to executives to get the tools and resources they need to support the excellent work you do.

All the tools, strategies and resources offered apply to the work that you do, from Driving Change in The Real World, Leading Effective Meetings, Conflict Resolution Techniques, Work Prioritization & Alignment Tools, Leadership Style Assessments, Emotional Intelligence Assessments to engaging with thought leaders, change agents, and more. Our goal is to provide a forum for learning, development, and connection so that together, we can transform healthcare."

The Institute for Transformative Healthcare offers tiered memberships to serve you or your organization’s needs.

Individual Monthly Membership:
$19.99/month or
Individual Annual Membership:
$199.99 (2 months free!)

  • Online courses with certificate such as Leading Effective Meetings, Driving Change in the Real World and more

  • Mini-course series such as Lean 101, 102, 103, Managing Meeting Disrupters, and more.

  • Assessments such as Leadership Styles, Personal Change Readiness, Emotional Intelligence and more

Group Membership: 5+ members
$17.99/month or 1-time payment of $189.99 (per individual)
Contact us for your code to sign up

  • Online courses with certificate such as Leading Effective Meetings, Driving Change in the Real World and more

  • Mini-course series such as Lean 101, 102, 103, Managing Meeting Disrupters, and more.

  • Assessment such as Leadership Styles, Personal Change Readiness, Emotional Intelligence and more

Enterprise Pricing: If you are interested in investing in your team, organization or department,
Contact us for pricing

  • Online courses with certificate such as Leading Effective Meetings, Driving Change in the Real World and more

  • Mini-course series such as Lean 101, 102, 103, Managing Meeting Disrupters, and more.

  • Assessment such as Leadership Styles, Personal Change Readiness, Emotional Intelligence and more